If you are in danger of missing a filing due to a system outage or you have bona fide emergency that requires judicial review during non-business hours, please follow the instructions below.
Emergency Filing Instructions for System Outages
Please Note: If you email a pleading to be filed in your case:
- you must clearly state why you are submitting the document in this manner.
- you must attach your document in Portable Document Format (PDF). For security reasons, PDF files submitted via link to a third-party provider cannot be retrieved.
After Hours Emergency Requiring Judicial Review
If you think a matter you filed is an emergency that requires judicial review during non-business hours, please email us at USDCemergencyfile@txnd.uscourts.gov or call 214-753-2177 to leave a detailed message. If your matter is a bona fide emergency that requires immediate attention, someone will get back to you as soon as possible. If you have not received a response by 8:30 a.m. on the next business day, please call the divisional office to which your matter relates. Our offices are open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays.
Please Note: If you email a pleading to be filed in your case:
- you must clearly state why you are submitting the document in this manner.
- you must attach your document in Portable Document Format (PDF). For security reasons, PDF files submitted via link to a third-party provider cannot be retrieved.