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Northern District of Texas

David C. Godbey, Chief Judge
Karen Mitchell, Clerk of Court

MDL Cases

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Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation Rule 7.5(a): Miscellaneous Provisions Concerning "Tag-Along Actions." Potential "tag-along actions" filed in the transferee district require no action on the part of the Panel and requests for assignment of such actions to the Section 1407 transferee judge should be made in accordance with local rules for the assignment of related actions.

Please see Local Rule 3.3 for instructions on filing a notice of related case.

Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation Rule 2.1(c): Admission to Practice before the Panel.
Every member in good standing of the Bar of any district court of the United States is entitled to practice before the Panel, provided, however, that he or she has established and maintains a CM/ECF account with any United States federal court. Any attorney of record in any action transferred under Section 1407 may continue to represent his or her client in any district court of the United States to which such action is transferred. Parties are not required to obtain local counsel.

Each case transferred by the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation or filed in the Northern District of Texas as a tag-along action will be assigned a civil (CV) case number in this court. The court does not add all parties/attorneys from each action to the MD case docket. In order to receive notice of the administrative and case management orders entered in the MD case number, follow the ECF instructions found here (under the "Maintain Your Email" section) to add the MD case number to the list of cases for which you will receive Notices of Electronic Filing (NEFs).

IN RE: AT&T Inc Customer Data Security Breach Litigation
3:24-md-03114-E (Pending in the Dallas Division)

IN RE: Iron Oak Technologies, LLC, Patent Litigation
3:18-md-02835-M (Closed)

IN RE: Industrial Print Technologies, LLC, Patent Litigation
3:15-md-02614-M (Closed)

IN RE: IntraMTA Switched Access Charges Litigation
3:14-md-02587-D (Closed)

IN RE: On-Line Travel Company (OTC)/Hotel Booking Antitrust Litigation
3:12-md-02405-B (Closed)

IN RE: DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc., Pinnacle Hip Implant Products Liability Litigation
3:11-md-02244-K (Pending in the Dallas Division)

IN RE: Stanford Entities Securities Litigation
3:09-md-02099-N-BQ (Pending in the Dallas Division)

IN RE: Kitec Plumbing Systems Products Liability Litigation
3:09-md-02098-C (Closed)

IN RE: Indianapolis Life Insurance Company IRS 412(I) Plans Life Insurance Marketing Litigation
3:08-md-01983-B (Closed)