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Northern District of Texas

David C. Godbey, Chief Judge
Karen Mitchell, Clerk of Court

Civil Forms

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Document Form #
Notice of Return of Discovery Materials
Writ of Execution (Note: Writ is noticed to all ECF users upon issuance unless request is submitted ex parte)
Withhold Issuance of Service of Summons
Waiver of Service of Summons
Consent to Proceed Before a United States Magistrate Judge
Supplemental Civil Cover Sheet (for use in Removal cases only)
Pro Hac Vice Application (attach Proposed Order below)
Pro Hac Vice Proposed Order (PDF Format)
Pro Hac Vice Proposed Order (Word Format)
Confidentiality Agreement for Third-Party Vendors (Exhibit B to Miscellaneous Order No. 62)
Confidentiality Agreement for Expert Consultant or Employees of Any Party (Exhibit A to Miscellaneous Order No. 62)
Redaction Request - Transcript
Notice of Transfer of the Bankruptcy Record on Appeal
Notice of Transfer of the Fifth Circuit or Federal Circuit Courts of Appeals Form
Notice of Lawsuit and Request for Waiver of Summons
Notice of Deficiency (Sample)
Motion to Withdraw Funds From the Registry of the Court (Proposed Order)
Motion to Withdraw Funds From the Registry of the Court (attach Proposed Order below)
Exhibit Claim Form
Certification Regarding Requests for Emergency Hearing
Certificate of Service (Sample Language)
Abstract of Judgment
Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus Ad Testificandum
Alternative Dispute Resolution Summary
Certificate of Conference (Example)
Motion for Appointment of Counsel
Certificate of Interested Persons/Disclosure Statement
Subpoena to Appear and Testify at a Hearing Or Trial in a Civil Action AO-088
Subpoena to Testify at a Deposition in a Civil Action AO-088A
Subpoena to Produce Documents, Information, or Objects or to Permit Inspection of Premises in a Civil Action AO-088B
Report to the Commissioner Regarding a Patent or Trademark AO-120
Report to the Commissioner Regarding a Copyright AO-121
Bill of Costs AO-133
Transcript Order AO-435
Summons in a Civil Case AO-440
Third Party Summons in a Civil Case AO-441
Certificate of Judgment for Registration in Another District AO-451
Transcript Order for Appeal DKT-13
Civil Cover Sheet JS 44
Appointment of Pro Bono Counsel Reimbursement Form PBP 20
USM 285 USM-285